As I walked around, I saw a very different NYC, even the smoke coming out from the sewers gave a very peaceful vibe (ok I am stretching it a bit).
Before the manic Monday crowd arrived, I prepared my camera, my journal (and some props) and took a long photo walk project in one of the most celebrated cities around the world.
Here are some of the mix photos I took, from architectural to just simply random street stuff.
Hope you will like it!
What I’ve been carrying around for the whole trip. Surat Journal, camera, map (and at times, a newspaper for a prop).
View from the front of our hotel.
Our hotel. Hotel Pennsylvania.
The Empire State Building is just at the back of our hotel…perfect location!
The Flatiron building. I’ve seen this in a lot of movies and TV shows, so when I accidentally saw it while i was walking downtown, I was jumping for joy.
A sneak peek of the Chrysler Building. When I saw this view, I immediately tried to locate it in my map and told myself, now I know where my next stop will be.
On my way of navigating towards the Chrysler, I passed by the Grand Central Station..Yipeeee!!!
I really love the industrial and old feel of a New York flat (someday I will live in one). The signature look of the fire escapes is one of my inspiration (theme) in one of our architectural projects.
As I finished my morning stroll New Yorkers are starting to fill-up the empty streets and bringing back the NYC that we all know.
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