A few months back, thinking about my soon-to-be adventure made me pushed all the stress I have been feeling at work away. Suddenly, everything was sweet and the world is perfect.

Now that my trip will be in a week time, I started to feel the stress (well, I think part of it started already when I was applying for my visa)…but that’s not the point of this blog. ^^
In today’s world, documenting one’s trip became a ‘must’ in every adventure that one is embarking. With the presence of different social media platforms, we feel responsible to share our experiences to the world—-and at time we over share (I am guilty of this!!)….I miss the time that all you need is a good book to accompany you (sort of).

Last week, I bought a Go Pro Hero 3+ thinking that I ‘need’ this in order to capture good videos, better than the ones I took using my camera phone. When I was assembling it, I felt like an old man. I was having a hard time figuring out what goes with what. To add to my ‘dumb moment list’ I even watched a youtube clip on how to open the box——Oh My!!
The sight of all the items inside a go pro box laid on my table was scary. Instead of being excited (as most of you for sure), I must admit that I panicked .

Now that I was able to figure out how it works, everything became cool and now I am back on being excited haha.
Ok, to go back to my point. The world truly changed in terms of traveling. I remember the time that we only needed is one instamatic camera (we have a kodak back then) to capture great travel/family moments. Now, for my trip, I will be bringing an HD digital camera (canon G16), a Go Pro, my Samsung Note 8 tablet and my camera phone. With this list, I think I made progress because I will not bring any DSLR.
Aside from this, I went to an electronic shop and bought a 32 gb and 64 gb memory cards —oh I cant believe that they are very expensive, whew. Why do we need memory cards..why ..why …why!!
Well, I shouldn’t be ranting about this because by the end of the day, it is our choice if we’ll get zap into the digital travel world or we’ll just enjoy the view and keep it in our built-in human memory bank.

The beauty of living in the digital world it that, it is now very easy to share our experiences.With a click of a button people will be able to see what you are seeing, marvel at God’s creation and appreciate the beauty of the world we are living in.
As for me, I think we should find the balance of enjoying every place that we are visiting, capturing it in our hearts and share it to the people we love. This for me the true essence of traveling.

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